Worship Through the Gift of Music

Worship Through the Gift of Music

Cicero UMC is a musical church…there are so many ways to use or develop your gifts of instrumental or choral music to the glory of God. 

We truly offer you a way to make a joyful noise!

Chancel Choir
Chancel Choir – Under the direction of Nancy Congdon, the Chancel Choir enhances the 10:30 AM Sunday Service with a variety of Christian musical offerings.  Rehearsals are every Wednesday (except in summer) from 7 – 8:30 PM in the music room.  New voices are always welcome – just contact Nancy Congdon or call the church office for more information!

Praise and Worship Team – The Praise and Worship Team consists of voices and instruments.  Leading the 8:30 AM Sunday Service and rehearsing weekly at 7 PM on Tuesdays, anyone interested in joining the Praise and Worship Team should contact Nancy Congdon directly or through the church office.
Bells and Chime Choir – The Bell and Chime Choir offers a fun, interesting type of music playing which is quite different from most instruments.  It is easy to learn for the beginning ringer, yet can be made challenging for those with more experience.  Our goal is to perform beautiful music for services and have fun doing it!  Bell Choir performs approximately once a month and uses both bells and tone chimes.  Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 6 – PM in Sunday School Room 18.  Bell Choir Director Ken Maughan, welcomes new choir members at any time – contact him directly or call the church office.
God’s Country Ramblers – The Ramblers are always looking for musicians that like to sing, pick and grin…and also fiddle, drum or strum!  They lead God’s Country Jamboree, a bimonthly Sunday evening service at 6:00 PM. See our calendar for the next service. The band has enjoyed playing for other events and at other churches in the area.  Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 7PM.  Contact Bill Krupke through the church office for more information.
Sacred Music Ensemble – Under the direction of Maury Black, the Sacred Music Ensemble consists of vocal and instrumentalists who perform monthly during the 10:30 AM Traditional Worship Service.  Choosing pieces from a more classical repertoire, the group uses soloists or small groups to bring the word of God to this service.
Brass Ensemble
Brass Ensemble – A group of talented brass instrumentalists who gather and play for special worship services throughout the year.  Focusing on traditional Christian music, the group is looking for interested persons for occasional practice and performing…contact Ken Hinman directly or through the church office for more information.
Cherub Choir and Chime Choir – Rehearsing during the Sunday School hour, our children work on bringing their talents and treasures to the congregation on special occasions or for the yearly Christmas Pageant.  Contact Emily Bush through the church office for more information on how to get involved!

Interested in joining one or more of our music ministries?  Just call the church office and ask for one of the directors!