Sunday School
Sunday School offers classes for children in Pre-K through Grade 12 from September through June!
Our program includes an age-appropriate curriculum supplemented with Bible stories, take home papers, crafts, activities, bell and cherub choirs and videos and lessons for older youth. Adult classes also are available. Nursery services are provided for Sunday worship.
Our Sunday School classes will participate in weekly adventures as they follow Jesus’s steps during his last days on earth. We will look forward to Palm Sunday, His last supper, and spend time with Him in the garden. We will learn that His sacrifice on the cross, although sad, was His Father’s plan to set us free from our sins. And again, we look forward to His RESURRECTION! Thank you, Sunday School teachers, for making this program possible for our children! This program will run from March 9th to April 13th.
Look for Vacation Bible School this summer from July 21 – 25!! Registration is on the VBS page!
Interested in enrolling your child in CUMC’s Sunday School program? Please complete the linked Registration Form and submit it. Our Sunday School Superintendent will contact you with more information – or just come in any Sunday morning!
Contact Sue Bonspille for more information on Sunday School or call the church office!
Check on these links for this year’s booklet of answers to frequently asked questions and the Memory Work Pamphlet for your reference!