Cicero United Methodist Church
Check out all the ways you can participate in Lent and the full Easter Season by clicking the Worship Services link in the menu above! Bible studies, Special Sunday School program, Holy Week services and more! And be sure to place your orders for Easter Flowers!
WELCOME VISITORS! Click the button below to learn more about our church and consider coming to our worship services and activities!
CUMC offers one Sunday service at 9:30 AM each Sunday, so the entire congregation can worship and enjoy fellowship together every Sunday! Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month!
Look below in the “Preaching the Word” section for a link to a live-streaming of this week’s service! Check our Sermons Page for all our recorded services.
Christian Education is available for all ages and Nursery is available for infants through age 3! Sunday School is during the service and breaks into classes after Children’s Time.
Prayer requests or other pastoral needs may be submitted by email or telephone to the church office (see contact info below).
We continue to pray for God’s presence and peace to embrace your homes and lives.